Dear all hands
Dont you know about mangosteen ? Mangosteen is tropical fruit and its latin name is mangostana sp. Mangosteen is evergreen tree with seasonal harvest time. This tree originated from java island in indonesia and spread out to malasya. Traditionally mangosteen harvest month is from February untik april every year.
Mangosteen has very actractive meat fruit, its meat has clean white color and with dark purle on its skin.
The taste of mangosteen is very delicious, sweet and contain water.
Mangosteen fruit used as spa
Because of active inggridient in mangosteen fruit, now day its fruit ofeered as spa material. Spa with mangoteen fruit is believed very effective to maintain skin beauty . You just take several mangosteen fruit and make it into cream and applya on your face before take a nab.
Mangosteen skin as herbal medicine
Is common knowledge that mangosteen skin has medicine ingridient, and we can use it as herbal medicine.
Mnaggosteen fruit is known has anti oksidan and xanthone.
Xanthone from skin of the mangosteen fruit c can fight free radicals. Several studies have shown, these compounds have properties as an antidiabetic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiplasmodial, and boost immunity.
Below is several benefit from mangosteen fruit
a. Inhibits aging
According to other studies, the natural antioxidants contained in mangosteen can inhibit the aging process in the body. This substance will always repair body tissue, so you young.
b. Anti cancer.
In addition to being anti-oxidants, as well as the efficacy of anti-cancer xanthone. Mangosteen skin extract is antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth, but it also is mangosteen peel extract apoptotic destruction of cancer cells.
c. Healthy eyes, skin and hair
According to a study by nutrition experts from the U.S., mangosteen can help mebuat skin, eyes, teeth, gums and hair healthier.
d. Increases stamina and energy
Mangosteen also has an important role in the absorption and metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates that help in maintaining stamina.
Well, when you shop and consume mangosteen fruit, do not rush - rush to dispose of his skin. Precisely that mangosteen skin that have various healing substances. We can create their own brew mangosteen skin, although it feels a bit bitter.
Make tea from mangosteen skin
It's easy, washed rind, then cut the fruit grain leather 2. Furthermore, pieces are boiled in 4 cups of water, so the remaining 2 cups. Filtered cooking water that is drunk regularly 2-3 times a day.