Monday, August 30, 2010

Common Food that reduce smoking habbit

Ready to quit smoking? If you're ready, it's time
multiply the consumption of vegetables, reduce meat intake, and exchanged
cup of our coffee with a glass of milk. Because the food will last
simplify the process of our struggle.

Studies conducted by Duke University found, fruits, vegetables
vegetables, and dairy ingredients to make cigarettes seem uncomfortable.
Whereas the other hand, foods such as meat, coffee, and beverages
alcohol will bring more pleasure when smoking, said
F. Joseph McClernon, PhD, a psychologist at Duke University.

Mentions the ancient concept of nicotine content in the rokoklah
the only factors causing addiction. "However, we have studied
deeper. And apparently addicted to cigarettes can also be caused by
sensor effect taste, smell, vision, and routine
mrokok habits, "explained McClernon.

Studies conducted on 209 smokers aged 21 years and has
smoking at least one pack of cigarettes every day. They were asked
to write down a list of foods that can increase and decrease
their smoking pleasure. Apparently, nearly 70% of smokers stated
kanduangan drinks with caffeine, alcohol and meat-will dagingan
putung smoke billowed make them more enjoyable.

But oddly enough, 45% of smokers also told some foods, such as
fruits, vegetables, drinks without caffeine content (water and juice), and
dairy products, can actually make their cigarettes
feels uncomfortable. These findings convince us that taking
intake-intake can affect the taste of cigarettes, is one
a powerful way to lock mouths and our hands to finger
free from cigarettes in a long Djangkan.

Here are three foods that can help our mouths to stop steaming:

Milk and other dairy products. After sipping a glass of milk, we can not
enjoy a cigarette with the same satisfaction and sensation. Because milk
make it bland.
Methods: We try to dip a cigarette into the milk. Drain and try to use
for smoking. To eliminate the craving cigarettes, this trick can be
shut-off is used as a powerful tool. For guaranteed, we do not
would like the taste

Orange juice. When someone regularly smoked each day, then they will
loss of vitamin C intake in large numbers. And usually the body
will adjust these conditions and replacing them with some
unnatural element received from nicotine. So, if you want to be free
from the shadows smoking more quickly, it is important to start
Vitamin C mengasup more natural. Oranges, lemons, blackcurrants,
pomegranate, and the fruits of vitamin C that are not only good for health
everyone, particularly the dependence on nicotine.

Celery, together with other vegetables like zucchini, eggplant,
legumes, and even cucumbers can also affect the taste of cigarettes.
Eating vegetables will reduce the sense of our addiction to nicotine
(Note: we must be free of alcohol). Chewing celery stalk will
prevent us from craving or addiction.
If do not like celery, we can replace it with a carrot. But,
Do not eat too many sweet vegetables, because excess levels
glucose will activate the brain areas responsible for
generate a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. In other words, the glucose will make
we continue to addiction. (PreventionIndonesiaonline / Astrid Anastasia)